The Lavender Vault Studio

Our Lavender Vault Studio, is discreetly located a quick 15 minutes outside the city. This secret oasis adorned in shades of deep purple, the ambiance exudes an air of mystery and allure, drawing in those who seek the forbidden pleasures and Mistresses that lurk within. The space invites exploration and experimentation, with room for movement and creativity. We will continue to curate and expand this space as we can.

Tucked away within our unique studio lies a space designed for indulging in the playful pursuit of watersports or water torture. Here, under the Domme Squad’s watchful eye, our submissives surrender to the thrilling rush of desire, their inhibitions melting away in the warm cascade of pleasure brought to life in a space designed for both privacy and intensity.

We are in the process of cultivating and crafting our new Lavender Vault Studio to provide the best experience for our visitors. This creative playroom is unique and one of a kind. Let our imaginations run wild in this intimate and original BDSM playground.

To be fortunate enough to experience The Vault we demand you observe the following rules:

YOUR Attitude

Polite and respectful of all spaces and people around you. You are clean, dressed appropriately and well mannered. We appreciate those who are: Attentive, Discrete, Honest, Loyal, Observant, Has integrity and a willing desire for vulnerability with the openness to allow it to be shown.

OUR Studio

You will respect our space and treat it well. You will follow all protocols given to you regarding the visiting of my space. If you are among the first to enter the space, understand it will grow and evolve overtime. Respect all rules given upon entry. Failure to follow the rules will result in removal from the property.